Indiana Legal Help Kiosks provide legal information and resources.
The Kiosk allows a user to: | The Kiosk does NOT: |
Look up information about the eviction process, how to apply for housing or utility assistance, eviction sealing, and more. |
The kiosk does not provide legal advice. Only attorneys may provide legal advice. |
Look up legal information, videos, and referrals in which they access court forms, videos, and other legal resources. |
The kiosk does not allow web surfing or access to any websites not approved for this project. |
Locate a FREE legal clinic convenient to a user's location/availability. |
The Kiosk does not allow a user to access email. To take a form home, we recommend the kiosk user print the form and instructions. |
Find a legal assistance provider that may provide FREE legal services. |
The kiosk does not resolve legal issues. It aims to bridge the digital divide and provide additional self-help resources. |
Complete an Emergency Rental Assistance application through Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority or IndyRent, when available. |
Complete and print a self-service legal form. |
Chat with a legal navigator during certain hours to obtain additional legal information Legal Navigators are not attorneys and do not provide legal advice. |
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