Be sure to include a picture of your kiosk and tag Indiana Legal Help on Facebook:
You are not required to promote your kiosk, but if you do, please use the sample language included below and notify the Indiana Bar Foundation of any scheduled media events or local press releases by emailing Kayla O'Brien at
Sample Social Media Post #1
Facing eviction? Need to find legal help? Come visit our Indiana Legal Help Kiosk! The kiosk is available (insert days and hours kiosk will be open to the public). Through the kiosk, you can connect with legal aid organizations, find free housing-focused legal clinics, and access housing legal information and forms.
For housing and other legal needs, you can always check out the legal resources available at
Sample Social Media Post #2
Have a family law issue? Need to find legal help? Come visit our Indiana Legal Help Kiosk! The kiosk is available (insert days and hours kiosk will be open to the public). Through the kiosk, you can connect with legal aid organizations, find free legal clinics, and access family law information and forms.
For family law and other legal needs, you can always check out the legal resources available at