We are excited to share ideas and approved sample language to make promoting your kiosk easy. You are not required to promote your kiosk. Per the Host Site Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), host sites that choose to promote their kiosk must use the sample language provided by the Indiana Bar Foundation during the grant period. We request that you notify the Indiana Bar Foundation of any scheduled media events or local press releases by contacting Kayla O'Brien at kobrien@inbarfoundation.org.
Ideas for Promoting your Kiosk:
- Advertise your kiosk through local media (Sample Language for Local Press Release)
- Send a press release announcing the availability of your kiosk
- Provide an opportunity for local media to see the kiosk in person
- Announce your kiosk on social media (Sample Language for Social Media)
- Post a picture of your kiosk including the hours it will be available to the public
- Promote your kiosk in your newsletter (Sample Language for Newsletter, Radio, or Short Print Announcements)
- Introduce your kiosk to constituents and share a progress report in a few months
- Share testimonials from people who have benefited from the kiosk